Roland Heynkes, 18.1.2007
Buschmann,A.; Gretzschel,A.; Biacabe,A.-G.; Schiebel,K.; Corona,C.; Hoffmann,C.; Eiden,M.; Baron,T.G.M.; Casalone,C.; Groschup,M.H. - Atypical BSE in Germany - Proof of transmissibility and biochemical characterization - Veterinary Microbiology 2006; 106: 103-16
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Curin Serbec,V.; Bresjanac,M.; Popovic,M.; Pretnar Hartman,K.; Galvani,V.; Rupreht,R.; Cernilec,M.; Vranac,T.; Hafner,I.; Jerala,R. - Monoclonal antibody against a peptide of human prion protein discriminates between Creutzfeldt-Jacob's disease-affected and normal brain tissue - The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2004 Jan 30; 279(5): 3694-8
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Pan,T.; Chang,B.; Wong,P.; Li,C.; Li,R.; Kang,S.C.; Robinson,J.D.; Thompsett,A.R.; Tein,P.; Yin,S.; Barnard,G.; McConnell,I.; Brown,D.R.; Wisniewski,T.; Sy,M.-S. - An aggregation-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: detection of conformational differences between recombinant PrP protein dimers and PrPsc aggregates. - Journal of Virology 2005 Oct; 79(19): 12355-64
Morel,E.; Andrieu,T.; Casagrande,F.; Gauczynski,S.; Weiss,S.; Grassi,J.; Rousset,M.; Dormont,D.; Chambaz,J. - Bovine prion is endocytosed by human enterocytes via the 37 kDa/67 kDa laminin receptor - American Journal of Pathology 2005 Oct; 167(4): 1033-42
Ulrih,N.P.; Skrt,M.; Veranic,P.; Galvani,V.; Vranac,T.; Curin Serbec,V. - Oligomeric forms of peptide fragment PrP(214-226) in solution are preferentially recognized by PrPsc-specific antibody - Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2006 Jun 16; 344(4): 1320-6
Gauczynski,S.; Peyrin,J.M.; Haïk,S.; Leucht,C.; Hundt,C.; Rieger,R.; Krasemann,S.; Deslys,J.-P.; Dormont,D.; Lasmézas,C.I.; Weiss,S. - The 37-kDa/67-kDa laminin receptor acts as the cell-surface receptor for the cellular prion protein - EMBO Journal 2001 Nov 1; 20(21): 5863-75
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